Friday, October 24, 2008
Walmart Social Media
It has been fun to watch Walmart jump into the conversations, particularly from an agency perspective. Beginning Monday, I will get an all new perspective of everything going on in Walmart Marketing & Communications. I will be moving my desk inside the Home Office walls to help out the Digital Marketing team for the next 90 days. It will be a great experience to jump on the bandwagon and drink the Kool-Aid for a few months. More details to come...stay tuned! :)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Memory Lane
This was our dorm window Homecoming 2005, I think. I was President of the dorm and we had a window decorating contest. Nathan did the OSU - I did the Poka Dots...
One of the houses Homecoming display from Homecoming 2005 - a photo does not do it justice.
My small group gals in front at Walkaround during Homecoming - aw, I miss these girls! (And of course, I ruined the picture by being ridiculous!)
I heart JT!

And finally, our beautiful library on campus...and my long hair. *sigh* Those were the days!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Nathan's first book!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
High Fructose Corn Syrup?
I've seen a couple of these commercials advertising that high fructose corn syrup is ok for you as long as you have it in moderation. Definitely an industry campaign to counter the constant borage of negative press around the ingredient.
Tonight on the Biggest Loser, trainer Bob began one of the many product placement messages that are mingled in the show. His opening line, "Avoid foods with high fructose corn syrup." Nathan and I couldn't help but laugh at the mixed messages we heard in a single 1 hour period. Perhaps running these ads during The Biggest Loser hour was not the best marketing choice. Personally, I'm going with trainer Bob on this one.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Savannah, Georgia
So if you are looking for a great weekend getaway, we highly recommend visiting Savannah, GA. You can check out pictures of our stay here.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Life as an Adult
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Favor the Personal
Friday, April 25, 2008
More on the Generations Buzz
Where I've been:
- I was born in 1984 to loving, Christian parents who are still married today.
- Until I got married, they were the most important people in my life. They gave me a solid foundation of faith, family, & finances.
- I did not have to work for my first car, but I did have a 1984 clunker...
- I got my first email address in the 6th grade. I don't remember life without the Internet.
- I am 23 and debt-free and do not own a credit card. Not all of us grew up with the "entitlement epidemic." My parents biggest pet peeve was the "ribbon for just participating."
- I attended Oklahoma State University, got married, went to John Brown University for my MBA through a fellowship at The Soderquist Center and have landed here.
- I don't know. It's that simple. I don't have a 5-year plan. I don't believe in planning your personal life that far out. Don't mis-understand me. I do believe in preparing for 5 years out, but not planning.
- I am less concerned with what I will be do as I am about who I will be.
- Relationships. They are the foundation to any great team. I have to like the people I work with, report to, and interact with on a daily basis.
- Flexibility. Who said 8-5 are the only productive hours in the day? In a world of endless connectivity, why does an office have to be the only place where work gets done? Simple answer, its not.
- Growth. I want to be developed and grow in skills and knowledge. I don't mind putting in the extra hours, as long as I'm developing. I want to know where I'm headed.
- Meaning. I want to know that what I am doing is important. I need to be able to see how my role fits into the bigger picture & success of the company - don't we all?
- Feedback. This goes back to growth. I can't grow if I don't know what to work on. It's a simple question of "how am I doing?"
Monday, April 21, 2008
Food for the Soul
Colossians 2:13-15
13When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. 15And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Life Update
- I officially graduate May 10. My final day at The Soderquist Center will be April 30. It's hard to believe I have been in NWA for 2 whole years!
- Nathan & I are landscaping our side yard - we are super excited and promise to post pictures of the final results when it's more than just a pile of rocks.
- Nathan & I are quickly approaching the 2-year mark. Marriage is best thing this side of heaven.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Lessons from Jackson

I'm not your average employee
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
What's next?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
To Florida and Back
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Passport to Financial Freedom
So my husband drives a scooter. He has a Vespa GT 250. It's a great money & gas saver and he really loves to ride it. However, cold weather and rainy days prove to be problematic with such a mode of transportation. He has been more than patient and amiable this winter season, but I hated to hear stories about how he rode out to a client meeting in 20 degree weather and had to defrost his hands before he could focus on the meeting. Thus began our search for a second vehicle for Nathan. We began our search a couple months ago by looking at brand new Honda CR-V's. This would have been for me, of course, and we would have had to finance this vehicle 100%. We decided that maybe we should wait until I have a job to purchase a $25,000 car. However, after a month or so, we again realized that this one-car, one-Vespa situation was not going to work for our family.
We have been going through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University with our Community Group this semester. It has really shaken our whole view of money. We are learning how to
Nostalgia overcame Nathan when he laid eyes on his new ride. You see, this was the car of his dreams when he was 16. Now I must back up and paint a picture of the place we found this car - QC Auto Sales. (It just screams "class" already, doesn't it?) We had found the car on and called QC to set up a time to come look at it. It was being kept at their overflow lot in the ghetto of Fayetteville. We reached the lot before the salesman did and took a quick peek at the Passport. When the salesman finally arrived, he was an Iranian man with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth - did I mention that he was smoking in a car that they were trying to sell? Well, we take the car for a test drive. Nathan is sold - this is the car he wants! But dealing with used car salesman is very similar to playing poker. With our poker faces on, we tell him we'll think about it and drive off. We had just watched a Dave lesson on how to negotiate. So, we begin to plan our attack. The next day, Nathan goes to the bank and withdraws 37 one-hundred dollar bills. (Dave had taught us the power of cash.) He walks into QC Auto Sales with a big wad of cash and says, "I want the car and here is $3,700." (Looking back, we probably could have offered a lot less - but hey, we're new at this! $300 is still $300!)
Shady Dealings
If you haven't quite realized the type of used car lot that QC is yet, the rest of my story will give you a clearer picture. Nathan sat down with the salesman to fill out the paperwork, including the Bill of Sale. As they were filling it out, the salesman looked around then said in a hushed tone, "You know, since you are paying cash, I could write $2,500 on this and your sales tax would be less." Somehow the text about how it's a felony to mis-represent the sales price didn't seem to catch this guy's attention. Needless to say, Nathan told him to write the correct price, recognizing that this guy's true motives were not to save us money but to pocked the $1700 difference. After an uncomfortable hour or so, Nathan walked out with the title to his new Passport, telling them that I would be bringing him by later that afternoon to pick up the keys & the vehicle. The icing on the cake came when we returned to get the car. Nathan had called the salesman to let him know we were on our way. He told Nathan that he was not at their office but working at his restaurant that he would be opening soon - Asian Fusion. (because there's not enough Asian restaurants in Northwest Arkansas...) Once again we returned to the ghetto of Fayetteville, where we located Asian Fusion. As the salesman tossed Nathan the keys from the roof of the ridiculously painted building, I couldn't help but think you really do get what you pay for.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
During this time of uncertainty and newness, I am learning a lot about how to lead change and manage the emotions involved. I did not expect to be so emotional when faced with all of these changes. However, change in general brings a sense of loss and of fear - loss of what we know to be comfortable and fear that we might fail. Simply acknowledging these emotions can do wonders for moving past them! They will still be there but suddenly they'll be manageable. I know that as a leader I will at one point be faced with the challenge of leading others through a change that I see as critical for success. I have learned the importance of communicating clearly, quickly, and consistently. More importantly, I have learned that emotion will accompany any transition. And it's the leader's responsibility to help the group through those emotions and lead them to a place of understanding, acceptance, and eventually excitement.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Lesson Learned
I hope to begin a habit of blogging more regularly in order to improve my writing skills. We'll see if I can keep to that resolution. Thus far my other new years resolutions have not been as fruitful as I would have hoped! I guess that makes me normal.