Since I've moved back to Edmond, I have noticed more and more how alike my mother and I are. But Friday night was eerie. Hubs and I had been prepping all week for Little Man's birthday party (it was amazing - more on that later this week). So when Friday night came, I was pooped and was not going to be cooking! We decided to hit up our favorite restaurant down the street. Just as we got situated in our booth (not an easy task with a 1 year old) who should walk in but my parents! We had to laugh that when we both decide not to cook, Interurban is the restaurant of choice. We enjoyed a nice meal and parted ways. There's a grocery store down the street which reminded me of a few last minute prep items I needed for the party. As I was walking through to the back of the store, cutting through some random aisle, I ran smack into my parents once again buying their last minute prep items as well!
I really am my mother's daughter...and proud of it! :)