April 19, 1995
Today marks 20 years since the Oklahoma City bombing.
I remember sitting in my 5th grade class and hearing a big boom of thunder around 9a.m. which was odd since it was a clear day. I remember the field trip we were supposed to leave for shortly to downtown Oklahoma City just blocks away from the bombing was cancelled but none of us knew why. I remember various friends leaving throughout the day to go find out the fate of one of their parents. I remember rumors of an explosion in downtown but not understanding how big or how close it was. I remember the day my state and home city was attacked, but I remember it through the eyes of a 10 year old who didn't fully comprehend any of it.
Now, today I am struck anew by the devastation of that day as I look upon it as a 30 year old instead. I see it now through the lens of a mother's whose children go to daycare and my heart aches for the mothers who lost their children in that daycare. It was not fair. I see it now through the lens of a wife whose husband goes downtown each day to work & runs by the site every week. My heart aches for those who lost their spouse that day. It was not fair. I see it now through the lens of a suburban Oklahoma family who wouldn't ever dream of something like this happening in our state much less our area. My heart aches for our state and the scar it left on so many of us.
And I see the survivor tree and I am reminded of the goodness of God. I am reminded that in spite of evil, our God is supreme and we have a Hope. I am reminded of the resilience of Oklahoma City and how everyone came together to support & love one another in the face of the worst tragedy we had ever and hope to ever know. I am proud to be an Oklahoman.